Bingung menentukan mana ponsel yg cocok buatmu antara Nokia N8 dan HTC Desire HD? Saya bantu dgn mengutip sebagian perbandingannya dari AAS.
NOKIA N8 vs HTS Desire HD
£370 SIM-freeJelas N8 unggul disini dgn harga yg murah
vs £460 SIM-free
Firmware Terakhir
v11 vsTidak ada yg bs dibandingkan dsn
Android 2.2
Desain dan material
Aluminium shell, atasan plastic, full-face glass capacitiveLagi-lagi ini masalah selera, sesuaikan dg dirimu aja.
touchscreen, 135g
Kombinasi plastic dan aluminium, full-
face plass capacitive touchscreen, 164g
113 x 59 x 13 mmLagi-lagi masalah selera, tak bisa dibandingkan
123 x 68 x 12 mm
Pentaband 3G, Wi-Fi b/g/n,Masalah konektivitas ini N8 unggul dari Desire, fitur USB OTG memang berhasil mencuri perhatian, plus Bluetooth versi 3.
Bluetooth 3.0, ‘USB on the go’ (to
USB disks/accessories)
Dual band 3G, Wi-Fi b/g/n,
Bluetooth 2.1, DLNA
Input mechanisms
Virtual qwerty landscapeDisini Desire lebih unggul karena penulisan dgn virtual qwerty bisa dalam mode potrait
keyboard with writing aids, plus
virtual numeric ‘T9′ input in
portrait mode. Compatible with
most Bluetooth and USB keyboards
vs Virtual qwerty keyboard in both
portrait and landscape modes,
with excellent writing aids, plus
surprisingly good voice search in
most cases. Compatible with some Bluetooth keyboards
‘Gorilla glass’ display and cameraDisini jelas n8 unggul karena layarnya memiliki durability yang baik, disilet ga masalah
glass, unibody construction, no
obviously removable panels,
access slots very secure
Standard glass display and camera glass, unibody
construction, removable battery
panel on right, removable plastic
rear section for microSD and SIM
3.5″ (360 x 640 pixels) AMOLEDWalaupun n8 pake layar AMOLED yang membuatnya lbh baik saat dibaca outdoor, tapi luas layar dan pixelnya kalah dr desire. Disini desire lbh unggul
with anti-reflection layer,
gorgeous indoors, still quite
readable in sunlight
4.3″ (480 x 854 pixels) ‘Super LCD’, good indoors at full brightness,
hard – but not impossible – to read in sunlight
Symbian^3, kinetic scrollingTidak perlu komen, masalah user interface, symbian masih ketinggalan dari android.
everywhere, multi-touch where
needed, three homescreens of
live widgets
Android 2.2 plus HTC Sense, multi- touch where needed, up to 7
homescreens plus multiple
‘scenes’ (sets of homescreens),
heavy widget focus and flexibility
in terms of size and placement
Speed, RAM
Good, with 130MB free RAM and a Broadcom graphics processor toAngka sudah berbicara, desire lebih baik disini.
help out with effects, transitions
and multimedia. Video playback is terrific, with a wide range of codecs supported
Excellent, 623MB user RAM, runs
with over 150MB free even with
many apps running, impressively.
Video playback is patchy – codec
compatibility is theoretically better than the N8, but some
videos showed display corruption
or aspect ratio weirdness/
Memory capacity (storage)
250MB of (C:) system disk, plusJelas disini n8 unggul mutlak bkn hanya dari total memori tapi juga kebebasan penginstalan lokasi aplikasi.
16GB mass memory and microSD
expansion. Apps can be installed
on any disk
1.5GB of system disk, plus microSD expansion. Apps can be
specially written to be
transferred to card, though not
that many have been so far.
Camera (stills)
Superlative 12 megapixel stills,Walaupun kamera desire tetap punya kelebihan, tp secara keseluruhan n8 unggul secara telak.
with huge sensor, professional
optics and Xenon flash. Exposed
camera glass.
Over-processed but colourful 8 megapixel stills (they don’t bear
enlarging very much), with dual
LED flash. Interestingly, capture
can be quite quick as auto-focus
gets to work as soon as the
device detects that you’ve stopped moving the phone about, so it’s ready for the snap.
Exposed camera glass.
Camera (video)
HD (1280 by 720) video is superb,Walaupun sama-sama kualitas HD, tapi n8 unggul dari kualitas video dan audio tangkapannya
fixed focus but large depth of
field, from 50cm to infinity, CD-
quality 48kHz audio capture in
stereo and with pro-quality digital mikes
HD (1280 by 720) video is decent
and there’s initial autofocus on a
scene, but further focus changes
have to be manually applied by
tapping on the screen. Audio capture is poorish at 8kHz
sampling and in mono only.
GPS and navigation
Good GPS, backed up by Nokia Wi-fi location, with Ovi Maps 3.4Sama-sama bagus, tapi nokia memberikan gratis fitur navigasinya, sedangkan di android untuk menggunakan navigasi musti bayar bulanan. So n8 unggul dsn.
worldwide free voice-guided sat-
nav. Maps can be pre-loaded by
continent, country or area or loaded over the air. Includes
digital compass
Good GPS, backed up by Google
Wi-Fi location and the latest
Google Maps and with real time
voice navigation now active in the UK and a number of other
countries. Includes digital
compass. Oddly, also includes a
Locations mapping service, based
on Route 66 software, and which
does include preloaded country maps – but you have to pay for
real time navigation
Audio out
Loud, medium quality monoKualitas speaker n8 setingkat lebih baik.
speaker, 3.5mm jack, A2DP, FM
transmitter for sending music or
voice to a car radio, Dolby Digital
Surround Sound (through HDMI port)
Quiet, tinny mono speaker,
3.5mm jack, A2DP, DLNA sharing
to compatible hi-fi, Dolby Digital
Surround Sound
Web browsing
Symbian Web (webkit-based),Symbian ketinggalan masalah browser dari android, jadi desire unggul.
functional without ever really
impressing, though there is Flash
Lite support (including video) if
needed and multi-touch for zooming
Browser with official Flash 10
support, very responsive and fast
to render pages and their
javascript. There’s multi-touch,
multiple windows and also intelligent reflowing of text
blocks after zooming
All purpose Mail client providesSocial networking
‘push’ facilities for Mail for
Exchange, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo!
mail and many others – works
well on the whole but some limitations and annoyances
Tightly integrated (and generally
superb) Gmail client, plus a
general purpose POP3/IMAP/
Exchange client
A Web Runtime-based, extensibleMasalah integrasi dengan sosial network spt facebook desire masih lebih baik.
social tool, currently working for
Facebook (full functionality) and
Twitter (limited functionality).
Overall a little slow and clunky. Some integration with Contacts.
Multiple clients, with Peep,
Facebook, Twitter and the
FriendStream aggregator.
Confusing to set up but eventually
quick and slick, with status updates appearing in the People
(Contacts) applications.
Other application highlights out of
the box
Quickoffice viewers, Dictionary,Desire lebih kaya aplikasi yang langsung hadir di ponsel
Zip manager, Photo editor, Video
editor, Web TV, Search
YouTube client, Quickoffice viewers, Flashlight, Wi-fi hotspot,
SoundHound, Search anywhere,
BBC News and Weather, (Kobo)
Reader, News (Google Reader
client), HTC Likes (curated
freeware store), Desk Clock, Blocked Callers
Application store and ecosystem
Ovi Store client v2.0, hundreds ofKetersediaan aplikasi pada store dan kemudahan mendapatkannya masih lebih baik desire
native Symbian applications are
compatible. There’s currently no
automatic update system and
apps are expected to go online and check for themselves if
updates exist
The Android market boasts many
tens of thousands of applications –
though quality is variable, there’s
no shortage of choice. Application updates are automatically
checked for and offered
Battery and expected life
1200mAh, not strictly user replaceable (though it’s not that hard if you own a Torx T4 screwdriver), microUSB or 2mm charging, moderate users may get two days, nightly charging needed for power usersWalaupun kapasitas batre n8 lebih kecil tapi lebih baik dari desire. Pemakaian biasa akan menghabiskan batre n8 dlm 2hr sementara desire 1hr, untuk pemakaian berat desire perlu di cas siangnya kalo n8 bs bertahan sampe malam.
1230mAh, battery can be
swapped, microUSB charging,
nightly charging needed for all
users. Daytime top-ups needed for power users
Ongoing firmware support and OS updates
Prospects excellent, Nokia areUntuk penyempurnaan firmware dan OS, n8 masih lbh perhatian.
expected to ship a firmware
update in the next month and then a big upgrade in February, with new browser, re-jigged
homescreen mechanics and new
portrait qwerty overlaid
keyboard. Most experts estimate
support and upgrades will
continue for up to 18 months. Many OS modules and components
can be upgraded as-and-when
using the ‘Sw update tool’ in the
HTC do ship updates to their
devices, but the frequency has been erratic and there’s usually a
delay in introducing new versions
of Android due to the work
needed in integrating all the
various extra modules and
functions for their Sense UI.
Bisa kamu lihat tidak ada yg terbaik diatas, masing2 punya plus dan minus. Jadi kamu musti sesuaikan dgn kebutuhanmu.
Contoh, jika cari hape yang mantap internet, email plus layar luasnya, desire adalah pilihannya. Sebaliknya jika nyari kemampuan kamera dan musik yang baik, ya pilih n8. Jadi kuncinya adalah sesuaikan dgn kebutuhan masing-masing.
Bagaimana jika kebutuhan kita tumpang tindih, jd misal butuh internet mantap dan kamera bagus? Nah disini muncul prioritas, mana yang lebih dibutuhkan?
Saya kutip pakar hape yang punya pandangan berbeda thd 2 pilihan diatas:
Tim Salmon
Tim lebih menyukai HTC Desire karena dia sangat menyukai layar lebar Desire yang cocok buat matanya yang mulai menua, Tim juga senang dengan web browser Desire, apalagi dengan RAM yang besar sehingga dia tidak khawatir kekurangan memori. Tim jarang foto2an, jd dia tak masalah dgn kamera Desire yang kalah kelas, demikian juga dengan batre Desire yang boros tak masalah karena Tim tak pernah jauh dari ChargerSteve Litchfield
Steve sebaliknya lebih menyukai Nokia N8 karena lebih ‘ponsel’, steve juga tak mau kehilangan kesempatan foto2 saat acara malam hari. Steve suka mendengar lagu sehingga lebih suka n8, apalagi steve tak perlu khawatir kehabisan batre utk menonton video karena batre n8 akan kuat dipaksa kerja keras sampe malam hariNah mereka berdua beda kebutuhan jadi tahu yang terbaik bagi mereka berbeda, mereka juga tahu kelemahannya dan tidak masalah dengan kelemahan tsb. Saya katakan mereka adalah yang tau mana kebutuhan dan prioritasnya.
Bagaimana dengan kamu? Pikirkan lagi… Butuhkah kamu ponsel dengan interface keren ala android? Butuhkah kamu ponsel dengan kamera super?
Nah untuk mengakhiri tulisan ini saya berikan pandangan saya.
Saya akan menggunakan hape hanya buat kebutuhan email, browsing, dan ngeblog aja. Sesekali foto macro untuk keperluan blog jd ga perlu lah kamera canggih2 amat. Musik? Sering juga tapi ga mementingkan kualitas krn biasa dicolok spiker altec saya. Nonton Video jarang di hape.
Wah seharusnya saya lebih cocok dengan HTC Desire kan? Tapi nanti dulu saya lbh suka browse pake operamini jd ga penting lg kehebatan desire, email jg ga butuh canggih2 ama, ngeblog dah cocok dgn wordmobi. Ditambah prioritas saya yang utama adalah batre, durability (suka jatuhkan hp saya) dan harga (buat apa mahal tapi ga sy butuhkan). So pasti saya pilih n8 kalo diantara ke2 hape diatas (kalo boleh milih lagi sy cukup e63 atau e5, atau cukup e51 sy yg skrg).
Bagaimana dgn kamu?
sumber: aas,google
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